Sunday, November 10, 2013

First Objective:  Inspection

Issue 1:  The horn does not work

The horn did not work so I set out to track down the issue.  This post was a good start but I think it was meant for a 56 or 57:

Disconnect the battery.  I ended up finding two screws behind the steering wheel near the steering column that allowed the horn ring to be removed.  Once removed the horn wire was exposed.  I pulled on the horn wire and found it was broke about four inches down into the steering column.  There was a previous repair to the wire and the new break was more than likely caused by that repair.  I used a pair of pliers and pulled the remaining wire out from the bottom of the steering column.  I disconnected the old wire and stored it away for safe keeping.  Even though the above article recommends using picture wire or similar I found that the horn wire fed right down the steering column with ease (CASCO recommended this approach).  I reattached the bottom end.  I also replaced the horn relay.  Not exactly an original part but works just the same.  Once reattaching the battery the horn worked as expected.  Just one issue though...the horn would stay on with no way to stop it.  Upon another inspection I found a few missing pieces.  The Horn Ring Rubber Insulator and the Horn Ring Rubber Grommet for Medallion were both missing.  Larry's 2013 thunderbird magazine has a nice diagram on page 64.  The two pieces totaled 11 dollars.  Those pieces are still on order.

 Old horn wire
horn relay and horn

bottom of steering column with old horn wire rubbed raw

top end of horn wire that broke off some time in the past

old repair that went bad

Old relay.  Did I need a new one???...maybe not.

maybe I did (bottom view)

disconnected the wire from the horn and cleaned it up as bit before reconnecting

Horn Ring Attaching Plate
The screw/washer combo looks wrong.

Horn Ring Contact Plate.
That is the wrong rubber insulator.  The diameter is too small and it's not thick enough
Note:  The retainers for the Horn Ring Lens are also missing.  I am just happy to have an intact Horn Ring.
Once the parts arrive I will post more pics.

A few more pics

Brought my 1955 Thunderbird home